The walks of your existence live in the air;… the walks of the seas and those of your greatest prudence;… in your death I hear your name, but not your life;… I have been present in the most delicate of your exist, while you have dedicated yourself solely to making me suffer;… however, even regardless of what happened there, it has been shown for me that only you, my beautiful fairy, make me happy.
ILLUSTRATION: Two of everything
My beauty, smell of velvet, sing the song of the bird and delirium with the wind;… be subtle, magical and skillful in the face of life and with all its kingdom;… enjoy your endless journey, your place and your wings of mystery;… walk as you run and finish, fantasize the truth and detach yourself as you walk;… become sediment, fragile without the body but remember over time;… forgive those who vanish and those who cause the illusion;… be an angel, be my heaven and see outside, that there is a world there that awaits us, that although it is not very effective and also lacks a wind, if it has in its episcopal cleft in the center, a groove of hell itself; … but martyrdom is wandering and calm, behind the suspicion of being bold and magnificent;… then your flight will stop in what you recognize your own warrior’s shadow, the one that feeds with her song and her so perfect reflection;… and so on, until you try absolute nostalgia;… but little by little feel, feel the sense of death;… die for me to pray, and disgrace to the one who slanders the enemy of battle or conflict;… see through me, the mirror of the sky, imagine the morning and sing, sing again, because it is you, and nobody but you, my enchanted and adored velvety beauty.
ILLUSTRATION: The chaos of the maze
Love, called like this because of someone’s wishes on some occasion;… it is what makes us and gives us so much satisfaction;… what builds us from top to bottom so that we can continue with our routine and inspired motivation that makes us.
Love, in its many forms of detail, is what is truly required in the entire galaxy;… since it, with its four letters that together sound like eternal music, gives us the greatest strength to continue fighting before any misfortune that interferes between us.
Love is what we all need in some way or another and what without a doubt, we will always need without being able to avoid it;… with its everything and its inconceivable significance, love is the indecipherable flight that surrounds us every day; … every morning; … and during every second of impenetrable breathing, because with its sense of air or heartbeat itself, it gives us warmth wherever it is; … with the mother’s call, the son’s reason or the creation of two addicted bodies between them.
Love is what it is, period, without having to delve into the matter;… everything that exists in life is love;… although sometimes it is difficult to distinguish it because it has more than one definition to describe its concept and flavor.
If God knew how to bless or relieve with eternal prayers, then the praises and consolations would be a plea full of happy airs;… but nothing is like the continuous or the fleeting;… the absolute and the sea change without asking, to give us like this , a sharper perspective of what makes up the truth.
The day is a spell and it rolls as it walks and flies among its canvases and lily colors;… the compass of the world and its sound of mystery is a tremendous disguise to hide from us the great face of Reality.
And so then my being becomes complicated, my permanence in this space of imprint is broken without more or more, while the stillness that reigns in my body just gets tired of oscillating so much; … oscillating between belief, prayer or the very prominence;… because it is that in the end, every heart on the planet is after a recondite hope that will solve all problems;… just as it happens with the luck of the hunter, who persecutes and persecutes forever the suffering of a desperate pain.
Peace walks, conforms and hides;… love meets, distorts and opens;… caresses, women and affection, are so necessary perditions or kindness, that if you do not love them or face them face to face, you will be able to fall between their networks very easily.
Today I have grown, I have lived and I have loved the muse who has made me lose and win everything;… I have given everything for her;… and if the world repeats itself again tomorrow, I am sure I would love her as I do ;… However, despite everything, I don’t know if this is good, or rather, something completely worthy of sin.
I feel that I fly in a second of time;… when I stop, the thought emerges as a veil;… then I feel the hue of the eternal;… I see the same as always, without even recognizing the colors of its center;… the innocence of the detail filters through my mind;… the moment is a precious diamond that puzzles me with its many curiosities;… I already see those messages, I translate them into my peculiar strange language;… what is so mine and what sacred to my human understanding;… from one moment to the next, everything becomes cloudy, although at the same time, everything is a delicacy of simple and extremely relaxed nonsense;… already like this, as an endless cycle, I return again to the origin; … I go back to thinking about another matter;… about another principle both of us and of the same world.
ILLUSTRATION: The muses that inspire me
The charisma of the whole world is translated into full air;… and as simple as that is, what comes and goes also stays somewhere eternal;… then being born or dying in this wheel place, it could be said that we are what we do not even imagine ourselves to be;… dust, body or structure that walks and flies, it would be nothing if it weren’t for the soul;… that which gives meaning to the wave, movement to laughter or essence to people ;… In short, something much deeper than what we simply detect through textures and faces.
The soul;… the soul in us and in the whole world, is a force that lifts us up;… speaking to us in so many ways it gives us that which makes us who we are;… matters disguised as various things that from time to time when they forget the Whole;… their truth, reason and non-existent organism, which is the only thing that surely is required to be and be present in this of life and subsequent pleasure.
ILLUSTRATION: The tangles in my head
Linked by the air they get up and carry themselves in a big way;… between occasions and phrases they are built and made;… and so, until little by little through a circle that composes them, they create what is perceived from side to side;… a fascinating fascination that looks like an oscillating star without waiting;… it is that art and science, although they may well be opposites in all that refers;… they are also complementary and indispensable parts of a true process.
Art and science, united by a bond of strong harmony, intertwine with each of their days, principles followed that could give multiple alternatives to continue in life.
In charisma then of what happens while the human flavor beats, the ability of the one who seeks solutions is threatened by several pints of colors; … between pinks, blues and so many different tones, the amplitude of the answer is given while think about the creative and its very general manifesto;… so once this established thought is created, science is reached from slight consequences.
Art and science, united by an indisputable mania, work like a scene of mastery, until finally they manage to turn into applause all that range of variables that at first, did not form absolutely nothing that could give way to something simple Or at least something beautiful and complicated.
ILLUSTRATION: Highlighting a face
Intense color, bright color, color so full of different nuances;… you are so black, but also so white and attractive;… today here you call me from your rainbow area so that I understand the reasons that emanate from your center .
Your concept like this, in everything and tone, is simply the essence of some strange phenomenon;… such a phenomenon, which causes the grace of all of us.
And from then on; … based on my belief in idealizing you, I take care of you and drink you like never before.
The enigma therefore breathes me;… it breathes me while my theories about your absolute and great fantasy, only lift me to the limits of life.
The truth suddenly escapes me;… the word of that is fleeting;… and it never stops anywhere.
Anger drags me;… it drags me to understand the lie;… the lie of thinking that one color is enough to stand out.
A color, an idea, a thought that walks behind a footprint;… a storm runs over me like this.
I am strange, I am different;… I am only someone who believes in celestial blue, as something pure and true that continues to beat tirelessly.
ILLUSTRATION: Dreaming of that universe
Majestic is the nature of disaster; … majestic is what happens and what does not happen at every moment; … a giant monster is derived from every second; … a giant monster that hides like a coward behind of any disguise;… in each piece of time, circumstance or breath a storm manifests;… a mention of a hurricane that does not stop destroying the wind in order to act;… the whole, the hurricane or the disaster itself, we it surrounds without stopping, because something wants to express us;… it surely wants to tell us that there is life in fire and life behind the error;… so with its strong and violent situation, it appears threat, so that we can respect it;… then , after his roar or his monstrous routine, rest a little before rolling over again;… storm, disaster, mention of hurricane, do not fall into words and please, forget about peace, that in life if not there is something to fight for, one simply becomes incapable; … a despicable being without nec esity of giving more; … more of himself and of his flight in all this that exists and that undoubtedly already is. span> p>
If you want to know news about my projects, or simply know in what new creative areas I work; To be closer to my personal universe or to move forward together with each new creation; To send me your proposal or project
Copyright of Germán Mingramm. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. Germán Mingramm 2022.